1.You can have migraines without experiencing a headache.
When we hear about someone who suffers from migraines, we often think they get a pulsing or sharp pain in their head that lasts hours. But did you know that you can suffer from migraines without actually experiencing a headache? These are known as a silent migraines. Some symptoms include:
- Feeling stiff, especially in the neck and jaw
- Feeling fatigued
- Muscle weakness
- Visual changes (i.e. dots or spots, blind spots, etc.)
- Dizziness or spinning
- Nausea or vomiting
- Sensitivity to light, sound, smells, touch or motion
- Difficulty hearing or speaking
- Confusion/Difficult remembering things
2. A sinus or severe tension headache is likely a migraine.
Sinus inflammation, otherwise known as a sinusitis, is a fairly common diagnosis. However, despite its prevalence, it rarely causes headaches. Most headaches in the sinus region are actually migraines that affect the nerves in that area.
Tension headaches, on the other hand, are much more common. Most are typically not severe enough to require medical attention. If your headaches are bad enough to require medical attention, it likely is a migraine.
3. Migraines are the third most common illness in the world.
Nearly 1 in 4 U.S. households has a member that suffer from migraines. That’s about 12% of the world population, children included! Migraines are most common between the ages of 18 to 44. Migraines tend to run in families, about 90% of migraine sufferers have a family history of migraine.
4. An old injury may be what’s causing your migraines.
When we injure our head, neck, or brain, we often don’t realize there might be a long-term complication as a result of it. Headache and migraine attacks develop commonly after traumatic brain injuries, regardless of severity, with estimates of prevalence between 58-81% patients.
5. NUCCA chiropractic may help manage migraines.
N.U.C.C.A., known as National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association, is a specialty form of chiropractic that focuses on the craniocervical junction, otherwise known as the head and neck area of the body. A pilot study was performed following 11 patients over an 8-week period followed by an evaluation of a neurologist. The study results suggest that the atlas (C1) realignment intervention may be associated with a reduction in migraine frequency and marking improvement in quality of life. To learn more on this study, click here.
1. “5 Types of Chronic Headaches and Migraines after TBI.” TheraSpecs, www.theraspecs.com/blog/chronic-headaches-and-migraines-after-tbi/
2. “Migraine Facts.” Migraine Research Foundation, 15 Jan. 2021, migraineresearchfoundation.org/about-migraine/migraine-facts/#:~:text=Nearly%201%20in%204%20U.S.,ages%20of%2018%20and%2044.
3. November 22, 2019 | Brain & Spine. “Debunking Migraine Myths.” Scripps Health, 9 July 2020, www.scripps.org/news_items/6103-surprising-facts-about-migraine.